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thieves hand s a n i t i z e r

I have had SO many questions and messages about our Thieves Hand S a n i t i z e r and Thieves Hand Spray and the alcohol found within . . .

Let’s learn something real quick first.....

The CDC recommends using a sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol, or denatured alcohol, to kill germs.⁣

What is denatured alcohol?

It’s alcohol that has chemical additives to make it unfit for human consumption, so that it won’t be classified the same as drinking alcohol.⁣ Usually the alcohol is denatured using methanol, a solvent which is SERIOUSLY toxic and can kill you if you ingest it.

Like, it’ll really mess you up, causing “systemic toxicity with acidosis and central nervous system depression.” It’s also absorbed through the skin and is classified as a skin irritant. But, keep in mind, the alcohol itself isn’t the enemy. A lot of natural minded people out there go looking for alcohol-free alternatives, which isn’t the best plan. Alcohol has the ability to immediately dissolve the outer cell membrane of viruses and bacteria, killing them on contact, 99.99% of the time. You kinda want that.⁣

So how do you include alcohol as a disinfecting ingredient without rendering it toxic?⁣

⁣Turns out, you can denature alcohol with pure peppermint oil.

That’s what we do with Thieves S a n i t i z e r. It also contains lots of hydrating aloe vera, so it feels like silk and doesn’t dry out your hands. ⁣ The Thieves Spray is also alcohol based and denatured with cinnamon oil.

Thieves Hand S a n i t i z e r is approved by Health Canada, as a Natural Health Product (NHP) and it can kill 99.99% of germs and bacteria.

Bottom line: you don't have to use toxic products to keep your family safe!!!!

The decision to bring toxins into your home is yours and yours alone and it NEVER pays off.


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