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The pill what we're told . . .

One of the greatest health improvements in my life came when I decided to stop taking the pill 13 years ago.

At 24 I started to research and become aware of the risks of being on the pill and that it was never meant for long term use. There were many, but the biggest improvement was my mind - I wasn't crazy anymore. I was balanced, calm and focused --- I felt like ME! When I look back this is when my whole world changed for the better and I began to thrive physically + emotionally.

Did you know . . . .

+ The pill is the first drug that was ever prescribed that isn't actually treating a specific illness

+ Women who use hormonal contraceptives are 32% more likely to experience female sexual dysfunction

I was put on the pill at 14 for acne, as a band aid solution to mask the underlying root cause. Which if we're being honest is the most common story I hear from others. The actual number is 60% of women are given the pill for something other than birth, and the primary reason is symptom management. Over 100 million women are on the BC pill world-wide and it's extremely common that they're also not given the full info associated with it.

My intention behind this post is with love and to help you make an informed decision - something that I wish was provided to me at such a young age. What this post is not for is to shame or to create fear. It's your right to do with your body as you choose--- it's great we have choices, after weighing in on the risk/benefit.

Stay tuned, my next post, as you'll learn how to restore health after the pill. 💛

What age were you put on the pill at? What was your experience like?

Always love,



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