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Starve all day. Binge all night. Simple foundational health goals to focus on instead.

Do you starve yourself all day and then binge at night?! 🙋🏼‍♀️ This was me for so many years, especially in my late teens, early twenties. My motto was, “I eat like a snake," like it was a badge of honor. My blood sugar would drop, my body would shake and I’d even lose my vision for a hot second – all because I couldn’t find time to nourish my body and then when I did it was with the wrong foods. It created such a fear + guilt around food + disordered eating habits. I refuse to pass this way of eating onto our daughters - it ends here. Restricting foods + starving ourselves clearly has never worked and just creates long term health issues later! “I’m not hungry,” is a sign of a suppressed metabolism – it’s often a symptom of blood sugar + hormonal imbalance, a sluggish liver + elevated cortisol. Our liver can only do so much and when it can’t hold anymore glucose it needs to tap into other sources of fuel, which is when our own tissues begin to break down; we basically start to eat ourselves + our metabolism slows down to protect our body from dying and our cortisol levels skyrocket. When our body is under this type of stress long term it will 100% lead to unwanted weight gain down the line. The starvation diet doesn’t work and it slows your metabolism down as you age. Like I mentioned the other day --- the belief that our metabolism slows as we age is a big fat lie, it slows because WE messed with it over time. It doesn't have to be this way though, just by nourishing our bodies we can begin to thrive. Here are some simple foundational health goals to focus on that I've found most powerful. + Nourish throughout the day +Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking (one of the most beneficial to stop binging later) + Strength train 3 - 4 x / week + Quality sleep + Reduce toxic load in home + personal care products + Lower stress + Less PUFAs in diet + Supplement w/minerals How has your relationship with food been over the years? Do you connect with this journey? Always love, Kar xo


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