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Starvation diet lies

We've been brainwashed to believe we need to starve ourselves back to health.

We need to do the opposite + nourish our way back.

Skipping meals is a bad idea for a lot of people, specifically women who are healing their thyroid, adrenals, or suffer from anxiety. Not to mention under eating leads to binge eating and grabbing whatever is in front of you, usually right before bed.

Yes, intermittent fasting can be healing for SOME, but for the average women dealing with hormone related issues, it puts too much stress on the body --- raising cortisol levels + lowering thyroid production. It doesn't show up right away, but its cumulative + often takes time for the damage to appear --- just look around at at the hormonal, adrenal + thyroid related issues with the women in your life.

Other signs you're not nourishing yourself properly . . . .

+ hair loss

+ mid section weight gain

+ feeling spacey

+ insomnia

+ irregular cycles

+ anxiety

If you're drinking coffee on an empty stomach, before eating a balanced breakfast that's a recipe for disaster too. #sorry

Slow down and start listening to your body --- maybe that starvation diet might not be right for you. Make sure what your doing works for YOUR body. Use the list on my last post to measure your health symptoms as feedback.

One of the biggest + beneficial changes you can make is ....

Eating a balanced breakfast (fat, protein, carb) within 30 minutes of waking. This will support the adrenals, lowering cortisol production + prevent low blood sugar.

If you're not hungry upon waking or throughout the day, eating like a snake (like I always said all my my life) its a sign your metabolism is not working for you (it will catch up to you).

Our metabolism doesn't slow as we age, it slows because we f***ed it up over years of self-imposed starvation + yo-yo dieting.

To dig in even more on this topic one of most favourite books is, How to Heal Your Metabolism by Kate Deering.

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