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Our body speaks to us using symptoms

Our bodies speak to us using symptoms. Instead of seeing symptoms as "bad" or something to chase and suppress with a pill. Know that it means your body needs support and what you are doing or NOT doing isn't working. Your body is asking for you to listen up!

Pain, swelling, bloating, headaches, painful periods + flare-ups of symptoms are your new best friends to get REALLY curious about.

They are signs that the body is ACTIVELY healing. The puss that forms around the splinter is your body intelligently pushing the chunk of wood out so that it can then heal the wound fully, without disturbance. When you have swelling, inflammation, feeling completely WIPED OUT: this is actually GOOD NEWS! ⁣⁣ The body is ACTIVELY trying to heal something. It is communicating quite clearly that it needs more fuel, more rest, and more time to rebuild, remove, or process. How we REACT to these symptoms determines whether our nervous system can regulate itself and move into safety, allowing healing to occur, OR spiral into further panic, overwhelm, and physical decline, eventually leading to chronic disease. Every symptom your body gives off is an alarm bell and our society is conditioned to turn off the fire alarm and not find the actual fire. The only true way to heal + thrive is to find the root cause, aka find where the fire is coming from.


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