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my familys natural remedies

In our family, our motto is preventative health, over sick care. Small changes every day support our bodies in massive ways. Our family’s prevention starts in the kitchen with the food we eat to nourish our body, and secondary is the supplements we take to fill in the gaps.

Here is a list of what my family uses for prevention to keep us above that wellness line. I figured since I'm asked all the time, lets put it all in one spot to easily support you. These products work WITH our body during its time of need. Symptoms of a common cold should be respected and healed through natural methods, rather than blocked and covered up.

We use these tools for prevention and we simply increase as needed, as soon as that body ache, sore throat feeling hits. Remember our body speaks to us using symptoms, so remember to listen, our intuitive nature knows best. With this philosophy it will be much easier for us to implement the steps necessary in nature which will speed up the natural elimination process, rather than slow down and hide it. Ex. A fever is a way for the body to burn up toxic waste and illness causing bacteria. Congestion + Cough is a result of the body's attempt to clear itself of excess mucus + lymph which has built up in the body. My biggest advice is that you don't want to be without a blend or product when something hits you. It's too late to start researching what product would be best by the time a symptom has shown up, so prepare your household now. It's empowering to have the tools on hand to support your body.

Scroll the slides to learn more.

What's your favourite natural remedies you lean on? * This is not medical advice.


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