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maintaining health + balancing hormones by avoiding toxins

This list is going to be soooo helpful to give you a starting place to start detoxing your home.

The Canadian Cancer Society predicts that one in every two Canadians is expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Genes give us the gun, while the environment pulls the trigger.

It's no reason to get overwhelmed, because small changes over time, can make a big impact on your health. Start small, start where you are, start with one new area of your home or product each week or each month, go fast or go slow.

The goal isn’t to be perfect, but it is to be aware, informed and empowered. We can’t change what we don’t know and now we know.

Being aware of how the bioaccumulation of different toxins in our environment can have an effect on the body will put you the steps ahead with preventing dis-ease and living vibrantly.

Scroll through the slides below.


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