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kids + feelings

Friends, emotions are REAL. Whether you have a toddler, a three-nager, a preteen, or a straight up teenager, you know that there are some major emotions happening in their lives and their minds and bodies. Let’s be real, there is a whole lot going on in my life, mind, and body, and I am a 37 year old woman - and I haven’t got this whole emotions thing figured out yet either!

Our kids are learning about feelings: what they are, how to handle them, and how they make us feel about ourselves and the world around us.

Mamas, caregivers, grandparents, dads, foster parents, brothers and sisters - get those phones out because you’re gonna wanna screen shot this part.

The Feelings Kit for the littles:

Valor | Great for BRAVERY. We love it on kids (and in the diffuser) for bedtime, before performing, to deal with big feelings, for overcoming obstacles and getting rid of fear!

Harmony | Everyone raise your hand if harmony sounds GREAT in your house. Use this one for feelings of jealousy, negativity, and insecurity.

Forgiveness | Forgiveness is one we talk about all day long. Diffuse it or apply it and help them let it go. If your child has experienced trauma or been hurt by someone, this is a great oil to have in your arsenal.

Inner Child | Oh, this one is good. First, it’s just really fun to let your inner child out. Adults and kids alike can benefit from this oil! On a more serious note, when children have been abused and misused, they become disconnected from their inner child, or identity, which causes confusion (among other things). This oil is a wise choice to help kiddos stay intact with who they are and who they were created to be, rather than emotionally detaching and creating several different personalities for themselves.

Release | Say “bye, Felicia” to tantrums! This blend helps with the release of memory trauma from the liver cells, where anger and hate emotions are stored. It helps release frustration, which we all need, let’s be real.

Present Time | This one is more for the mamas. I am SO guilty of doing way too many practical things when I am at home with my son + daughter, and not enough playing. I am really focused and engaged with him when we are out of the house - it’s like we’re in our own little world. But in the house, I see dishes and laundry and e-mails and to-do lists to be tackled. He helps me with lots of these things and we make it a game, but I can’t help but feel like I don’t pay enough attention (every mom’s guilt, I’m sure.) - ENTER PRESENT TIME. I’ve been using this behind my ears every morning. The days are long but the years are short. Carry on, Warriors.


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