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Causes of Acne

Do you want to know a secret? I suffered from skin issues all my life, it's the reason I was put on birth control at 14 years old. The double edge sword is that the pill depletes the body of vital nutrients that are needed for your thyroid to thrive; the health of your skin, nails, and hair is a reflection of your thyroid! I learned a lot on my journey to clear skin and the main thing to remember in regards to acne is it's not caused by bacteria, although it aggravates it. It's not directly caused by overactive skin glands either, or by dirt, and although genetics can influence nutritional requirements and organ strengths and weaknesses, acne is not caused by genetics either. If you've tried all the topical things, but it didn't go away, I encourage you to dig deeper into healing from the inside out. This took me years to figure out, and no doctor or dermatologist fully understood, but the very root cause of all acne, be it facial, back acne, adult acne, or blackheads is caused by two things and two things only; imbalanced hormones + congested toxins in the blood, lymph fluid, and liver. If you can get these things into check, your skin will heal too. Being mindful of these factors will help your skin improve over time, embrace the journey because healing is not an overnight success story, it never is when we're digging into the root cause, but the right protocols + supplement make all the difference.

What has your experience with acne been like over the years? Where did you find success in healing? Always love, Kar xo


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