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Adrenal Cocktail Recipe

Want an easy tool to support your healing journey + balance hormones?

This adrenal cocktail helps to build up minerals that your body needs to make essential hormones. Our adrenal glands are a powerhouse and if you're exhausted all the time, odds are it stems from these little guys being taxed AF. The adrenals produce hormones that regulate our response to stress, our metabolism, glucose, blood pressure + immune system and when they're fatigued that's when the rest of us can fall apart, which creates a domino effect of symptoms.

For example, if you're under eating, over stressed, not sleeping + period is off, then your body is basically saying, "We need to focus on healing those adrenal glands to keep you alive + functioning -- it's not a good time to host a baby in here and we're going to skip ovulation this month."

What this drink helps to do

+ balance hormones

+ balance sodium and potassium ratios+ feed cells + fight fatigue+ help improve mood + lessen feelings of stress

+ better bowel movements

+ less body aches

+ gives you a metabolic push

+ build up mineral/electrolyte reservoir

+ helps process nutrients

+ replenishes cell connections

+ helps the liver regenerate

The original recipe was created by Morley Robbins, and there are many ways you can create it based on what resources you have + can tolerate.


4 oz of organic orange juice (freshly squeezed is best, but not essential. The vitamin C complex makes sure that the minerals noted below get to the Liver to then nourish the Adrenals)

1/4 tsp cream of tartar (excellent source of potassium)

1/4 tsp of sea salt (excellent source of sodium + 90+ other trace minerals)


1/2 cup of organic orange juice

2 ounces Ningxia Red (added boost of minerals)

1 tsp Sulfurzyme powder (MSM + wolfberry)

1 tsp of Amino Wise

1 tsp collagen powder

1/2 cup of coconut water or filtered spring water

Drink once or twice per day - an hour before or after food.

Why I add Sulfurzyme, Amino Wise + Ningxia

Ningxia is a whole-food, antioxidant liquid supplement. It supports normal blood sugar levels, healthy hormones, normal circulation, digestion, immune system and an added boost of minerals!

Sulfurzyme is made up of MSM and wolfberry. It is required for proper synthesis and biological activity of proteins and enzymes, and plays an important role in our body's electron transport system; vitamin conversion; synthesizing metabolic intermediates such as glutathione; detoxification; joint health; and proper insulin function, just to name a few. It also contains fructooligosaccharides, which has prebiotic qualities.

Amino Wise is filled with a hydrating blend of minerals, electrolytes, powerful antioxidants and of course, amino acids. Supplementing with Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) has been shown to stimulate the hormone leptin, which decreases hunger and it has been shown to improve blood sugar regulation, as well as shown to improve mood + lessen feelings of stress, and support normal brain/cognitive function.


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